
Discover the range of workshops we will offer at the congress, each designed to engage, educate, and inspire.


Pre-conference workshops will happen on the day before the conference opening, i.e. on October 28. The workshops with take place in a location near the congress venue.

Workshops can be either 90 or 180 minutes, as preferred by the submitters. A limited number of workshop proposals can be accepted. All presenters of accepted workshops are required to pay for their own registration fees (and accommodation and travel costs where applicable). ISPAH will not waive these fees.

The workshop objectives should support participants in the development of skills and knowledge in an innovative area of interest.

Abstracts for workshops should be no longer than 300 words (not including authors or title) and follow the guidelines below as closely as possible. The title should be brief, no more than 15 words.

Notes: The Chair will need to include the names, affiliations, and contact details of all workshop presenters at the time of submission. Please be sure to include all authors so that they are listed in the abstract that will be included in the conference programme.

The following details are required in each abstract submission (300 word maximum) for workshops:

Title: The title should represent the overall topic area being discussed.

Purpose: State the primary purpose of the workshop.

Learning Objectives: Include an overall workshop description along with the key learning objectives (ideally at least three learning objectives). The learning objectives should be written with an action verb describing what the participant will learn or be able to do upon the completion of the workshop.

Learning Objective 1: Please include short description

Learning Objective 2: Please include short description

Learning Objective 3: Please include short description

Target Audience: Include a brief summary of the target audience for this workshop.

Organization and Method of Presentation: Include a brief summary of the main topics/ideas that will be discussed and the method of presentation/discussion (e.g., practical application of techniques, small group discussion, co-creation, sharing circles, case studies and demonstration, problem-solving) to accommodate different learning styles.