28th – 31st October 2024
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Hosted by
Co-Sponsored by
ISPAH Congress 2024 Has Ended
Thank You for Joining Us!
The Palais des Congrès de Paris, France – 28th to 31st October 2024
Join us at the highly anticipated 10th ISPAH congress, held in the beautiful city of Paris, France, and hosted by the French Society of Public Health.
Accelerating policy and practice to ensure physical activity for all
Physical activity has never been higher on the public health agenda. The 10th ISPAH Congress aims to engage researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers to explore innovative ways to tackle the continuing inequalities in access and participation. The congress aims to ensure all partners, across all parts of the system, are clear on their role and how we can work together globally, nationally, and locally, to achieve sustainable changes in structures, environments, and opportunities to support physical activity for all.
Home to the upcoming 2024 Olympic Games, Paris is a city that is “walking the talk”, with strong local action to promote physical activity for all, and a clear ambition to leverage the Games to maximise impact on population health like never before. Thanks to the mobilisation of our hosts, the French Society of Public Health, the congress provides an opportunity to meet with French stakeholders to learn about and discuss the innovative models and actions in place across the country.
We welcome researchers, practitioners and decision-makers working on physical activity in all its forms, from policy to participation, to be part of history as we race to reach the global target to reduce physical inactivity by 15% by 2030.
Join us at the 10th ISPAH Congress and help unleash the full potential of physical activity to create a healthier and happier world for all.
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On behalf of ISPAH, I would like to welcome you to the ISPAH Congress 2024!
It is an exciting time for the physical activity field. The WHO 2020 Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines shone a light on what we know about the relationship between physical activity and health, and importantly what we don’t know. The guidelines prompted an enhanced focus on research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, and on building the evidence in under-represented groups.
The Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018 – 2030 provides a road map for scaled-up action, however the Global Status Report on Physical Activity 2022 highlights that progress has been slow and uneven. Scaled up implementation is needed across all world regions. This Congress offers an opportunity to share practice and support the development of scalable and sustainable action.
The ISPAH Congress provides the largest global platform for sharing recent developments in research, policy, and practice. As we count down to 2030 – the deadline to achieve the global target for a 15% reduction in physical inactivity – this event is timely to stocktake on progress and set forth evidence-based actions to achieve our shared goal.
We look forward to seeing you in Paris!
Dr Karen Milton
President | International Society for Physical Activity and Health
The French Society of Public Health will be pleased to welcome you to Paris for the 10th ISPAH Congress. It is an honor to support the organization of this event.
Founded in 1877, the French Society of Public Health (SFSP) provides to all the public health actors, including healthcare professionals, researchers, decision-makers, and volunteers, a framework and means for collective and inter-professional reflection, which is based on multidisciplinary and critical analysis of scientific facts and professional practices.
With a network of around 80 member associations and 600 individual members, established throughout the French territory, the SFSP is involved in all fields of public health, and, in particular, in the promotion of physical activity for health.
Our aim for this congress is to engage policymakers, professionals, scientists and other stakeholders, as well as citizens, to engage in the field of physical activity promotion. The meeting in Paris is a unique opportunity to meet and discuss with other leaders and experts in the field and to stay up-to-date with scientific, practice and policy developments at the international level.
The ISPAH congress 2024 will focus on ways to accelerate policy and practice to ensure physical activity for all. We look forward to discussing this with you in the wonderful city of Paris!
Professor Anne Vuillemin
President | French Society of Public Health
The World Health Organization (WHO) is pleased to co-sponsor the 10th ISPAH Congress, and continue a successful collaboration which commenced in 2016. Global forums which share and strengthen the translation of new evidence, share insights and build capacity are vital to drive policy development and improve implementation. Even more so, as we approach key global public health milestones. In 2025, the global community will assess progress towards the global targets for NCD prevention and management, including physical activity, and in 2030 our success at reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. The 10th ISPAH Congress provides a timely opportunity to reflect on progress in promoting and enabling more people to be more active, more often.
In 2022 WHO launched the first Global Status Report on Physical Activity, comprising a set of over 30 indicators aligned to stocktake on country progress in implementation of recommended policies outlined in the Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018-2030. The report showed a clear need to address the slow and uneven progress between countries and regions. It also revealed the need for research and data systems to advance the monitoring and evaluation of national actions and the need to strengthen advocacy and the economic, as well as social arguments for action. These are themes which the conference will address. In 2024 WHO will publish new estimates on global prevalence of physical activity. In addition, holding the 10th ISPAH Congress in Paris, shortly after the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic games provides an occasion to focus on the links between sport, physical activity and health and particularly the role of sport mega events to impact on community levels of physical activity.
WHO is pleased to support the hosts and participants of the 10th ISPAH Congress in their aim to minimise the events’ carbon footprint and promote active transport. We look forward to meeting researchers, practitioners and decision makers from around the world in Paris to collectively explore how we can accelerate policy and practice to bring physical activity to everyone, everywhere, everyday.
Dr Fiona Bull
Head, Physical Activity | World Health Organization