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Please note: Inquiries should be sent in English only. Our support function is managed by ISPAH volunteers. For common questions, please check our FAQ page first.
Abstract Guidelines
Please note: All abstracts are to be submitted in English. A lead author can submit a maximum of 2 abstracts. They may also be named on other abstracts as an additional author or presenter.
Communications: All communication regarding receipt and notice of your abstract will be via email. Please refer to our key dates page for important deadlines. Notifications will be sent on or before the dates specified there. An automated email will be sent with a unique Abstract ID. Please use this number in any communications. If you need to withdraw an abstract submission, please do so using the ‘Withdraw’ option on your Abstract dashboard.
Final Abstract Format: In an effort to accommodate as many presenters as possible, ISPAH has implemented a policy where only one abstract per author is selected for an oral or short-oral presentation. Those whose submissions are not included in the oral or short-oral sessions will have the opportunity to participate as poster presenters.
The final format of your abstract has been detailed in your abstract outcome email. Details can also be viewed on your Abstract dashboard.
Important Note: The short-oral format is a late addition to the programme. On the user dashboard we are not able to change the ‘labelling’ on any e-poster that has been changed to a Short-Oral. All Short -Orals and physical posters will continue to say E-poster on the dashboard. Please be sure to look at the session type to be sure whether you should prepare a short oral or a hard-copy poster.
Important Note: The presenting author MUST be registered for the Congress and is responsible for the registration fees (and accommodation and travel costs where applicable). If there is a change in the presenting author, please notify the Organizing Committee by sending an email via our helpdesk form in your abstracts dashboard no later than August 26, 2024.
If the presenting author of a standard Oral or Short- Oral presentation is not registered by August 26, the submission will be removed from the programme.
Guidelines for Oral and E-poster abstracts
Abstracts must not exceed 300 words, including headings (excluding title or authors) following the structured format (headings) as closely as possible, as shown below.
The title should be no longer than 15 words.
The body of the abstract should be structured using the following headings:
Research Abstracts
Practical implications:
Practice/Policy Abstracts
Program Delivery or Policy Components:
Practical implications:
Guidelines for Symposia abstracts
Regular Symposium
The regular symposia will have a Chair who will provide a short introduction/background on a specific topic followed by 3-5 presenters, followed by a discussion actively involving the audience, often led by a discussant or a moderator. The chair can act as discussant or moderator, if the chair is not one of the presenters.
Title: The title should represent the overall topic (max 15 words)
Purpose: State the primary purpose of this symposium.
Description: Include an overall symposium description
Chair (Name and Affiliation):
Presenter 1 (Name and Affiliation):
Presenter 2 (Name and Affiliation):
Presenter 3 (Name and Affiliation):
Discussant/moderator (Name and Affiliation):
After the overall abstract for the symposium, the chair will need to include the individual abstracts for each presenter. Each presenter should prepare an individual abstract following the same format as the oral and E-poster abstracts (see above).
Debate Symposium
The debate symposia will have a Chair or Moderator who will provide an introduction on a specific controversial topic. This will be followed by affirmative and opposing presenters (1 or 2 for each side), who will provide arguments “for” and “against” the debate topic area. Each side should present their initial stance, which will be followed by a rebuttal from each side. If there are two presenters for each side, one presenter should provide the initial presentation while the other should present the rebuttal. This will be followed by a 30-minute discussion.
Title: The title should represent the topic area and its controversial nature.
Purpose: A statement of the purpose of the debate, emphasizing what is innovative about the topic (including a brief description of the topic)
Rationale: Why is this topic worthy of addressing at this conference and why this is a debatable topic?
Chair (Name and Affiliation): Introduction to Debate
Affirmative Presentation(s) [Name(s) and Affiliation(s)]: Title and short description
Opposing Presentation(s) [Name(s) and Affiliation(s)]: Title and short description
Alternate view Presentation [optional] [Name(s) and Affiliation(s)]: Title and short description
Conclusions or Outcomes: Identify the key anticipated conclusions or outcomes from this innovative debate.
Guidelines for workshop abstracts
The workshop objectives should support participants in the development of skills and knowledge in an innovative area of interest.
Abstracts for workshops should be no longer than 300 words (not including authors or title) and follow the guidelines below as closely as possible. The title should be brief, no more than 15 words.
Title: The title should represent the overall topic area being discussed.
Purpose: State the primary purpose of the workshop.
Learning Objectives: Include an overall workshop description along with the key learning objectives (ideally at least three learning objectives). The learning objectives should be written with an action verb describing what the participant will learn or be able to do upon the completion of the workshop.
Learning Objective 1: Please include short description
Learning Objective 2: Please include short description
Learning Objective 3: Please include short description
Target Audience: Include a brief summary of the target audience for this workshop.
Organization and Method of Presentation: Include a brief summary of the main topics/ideas that will be discussed and the method of presentation/discussion (e.g., practical application of techniques, small group discussion, co-creation, sharing circles, case studies and demonstration, problem-solving) to accommodate different learning styles.
Please read the notice and complete the form below
ISPAH respects your privacy and is committed to using event photographs and videos responsibly. We capture media to showcase the value of our activities through various channels, such as our website, social media, and newsletters. Please review the consent details below, with the option to opt out at any time. If you would like to know more about how ISPAH responsibly manages your privacy please view our Privacy Statement.
Purpose: ISPAH would like to capture photographs and videos during the workshops for promotional and communication purposes, including sharing content on our website, social media, newsletters, and other related materials.
Opt-Out Option: You have the right to opt out at any time. Please notify the photographer or videographer at the event, and we will ensure that no images or videos of you are used