
Closing Address

Other (Social Events, Reception etc)

Book Open User Other (Social Events, Reception etc)

Map Pin Palais des Congrรจs

Door Open Fill First Floor, Ternes Room

Calendar Dots Bold Thursday, October 31

Clock Countdown Bold 15:45

– 16:30


Karen Milton


International Society for Physical Activity and Health

United Kingdom

Sjaan Gomersall

Associate Professor

Health and Wellbeing Centre for Research Innovation, School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences

The University of Queensland


Delegate Media Consent

ISPAH respects your privacy and is committed to using event photographs and videos responsibly. We capture media to showcase the value of our activities through various channels, such as our website, social media, and newsletters. Please review the consent details below, with the option to opt out at any time. If you would like to know more about how ISPAH responsibly manages your privacy please view our Privacy Statement.

Purpose: ISPAH would like to capture photographs and videos during the workshops for promotional and communication purposes, including sharing content on our website, social media, newsletters, and other related materials.


  • Photographs and videos may be edited and used in ISPAH publications, promotional materials, and online.
  • Your personal details (e.g., name, affiliation) will not be shared unless explicitly consented to in a separate agreement.

Opt-Out Option: You have the right to opt out at any time. Please notify the photographer or videographer at the event, and we will ensure that no images or videos of you are used

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