people walking around pyramid landmark

Maximizing Your ISPAH Congress Experience: Tips for Early Career Researchers


people walking around pyramid landmark

As an early career researcher in the field of physical activity and health, attending the ISPAH (International Society for Physical Activity and Health) Congress can be an exciting and potentially overwhelming experience. To help you make the most of this incredible opportunity, we’ve compiled some top tips for both attending the conference and presenting your work. 

Preparing for the Congressย 

  1. Set Your Goals: Before you arrive, think about what you want to achieve at the congress. Are you focused on presenting your work, networking with peers and established researchers, or simply soaking in the latest research? There’s no wrong answer โ€“ even if your goal is primarily to meet people and enjoy the experience!ย 
  1. Plan Your Schedule: Take advantage of ISPAH’s interactive program to create your personalized schedule. Highlight the sessions you’re most interested in and don’t be afraid to move between sessions to catch the presentations that align with your interests.ย 
  1. Reach Out in Advance: Consider contacting people you’d like to meet before the congress. While cold emails aren’t always effective, try connecting on LinkedIn or leveraging your existing network for introductions. You might be surprised by how many connections you already have!ย 

Networking Like a Proย 

  1. Be Prepared: Consider using a virtual business card (like Blinq) to make it easy for new contacts to connect with you online.ย 
  1. Offer Value: When meeting new people, be prepared to share how connecting with you could benefit them. Is there a potential collaboration opportunity or shared research interest?ย 
  1. Approach with Confidence: Remember, most researchers are flattered when someone shows interest in their work. Don’t be afraid to approach speakers and ask questions!ย 
  1. Time it Right: Look for opportune moments to speak with presenters, such as during lunch or coffee breaks. Sometimes, a casual conversation in the lunch queue can lead to more formal discussions later.ย 
  1. Embrace Social Activities: Take advantage of official events like the boat party or ECN social to connect with peers. Building a network of early career researchers can be incredibly rewarding.ย 
  1. Remember, You Belong: Keep in mind that everyone was new once. Before long, you’ll be the one welcoming newcomers to the ISPAH community!ย 

Presenting with Impactย 

If you’re presenting at the congress, here are some tips to help you shine: 

  1. Know Your Space: Familiarize yourself with your presentation room. ISPAH provides 360-degree images of the rooms at the Palais Des Congrรจs, so take a virtual tour before you arrive.ย 
  1. Practice Makes Perfect: For oral presentations, try to visit the stage beforehand to get a feel for the space. For poster presentations, practice giving a one-minute summary of your work.ย 
  1. Design for Impact: When creating your poster, focus on appealing visuals and legible fonts that can be read from a distance. Use impactful graphics to draw attention and summarize your key points.ย 
  1. Engage Your Audience: For poster sessions, actively engage with people walking by. Have a friendly conversation starter ready to break the ice and draw them into your research.ย 

Remember, the ISPAH Congress is not just about presenting research โ€“ it’s about building connections, gaining new insights, and becoming part of a global community dedicated to promoting physical activity and health. Embrace the experience, step out of your comfort zone, and you’ll find that the rewards extend far beyond the conference itself. 

We can’t wait to see you at the 10th ISPAH Congress in Paris. Here’s to a fantastic event filled with learning, growth, and new connections! 

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