Louvre Museum at Paris France

Frequently Asked Questions

Discover detailed answers to a wide range of frequently asked questions about the congress, covering all aspects to help you prepare and participate seamlessly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Abstract Presentations
  • Do I need to upload my Oral presentation before the congress?
  • Please bring your presentation with you. You will be required to upload this when you are at the congress venue.
  • Do I need to upload my Poster presentation before the congress
  • Uploading an electronic version of your poster is optional. Information can be found on this page.
Congress Tickets and Payments
  • As a speaker, do I need to pay registration?
  • All speakers must pay the registration fee and register by August 26, 2024.
  • Is it possible to get a free delegate place at the congress and/or support with travel?
  • Unfortunately ISPAH is not in a position to provide financial support for attendance at the congress.
  • What are the payment methods for tickets?
  • Payment for all delegate tickets is made by credit/debit card and processed by our professional event organiser, Overcome SARL. Wire transfers are available to French administrations only.
  • Do I receive an invoice/Receipt of payment?
  • Yes, a PDF invoice with a unique order number and a sequential invoice number will be automatically sent to you via email upon successful payment. You can also add the name of your organisation at checkout, which will be stipulated on your invoice.
  • Can my University/Organisation pay via invoice?
  • ISPAH is unable to provide invoices for registration payments in advance of the payment unless your organisation is a French Administration. When purchasing a congress ticket, individuals who need an invoice are recommended to update the billing information to their university/organisation at checkout. An invoice with purchase number and sequential invoice number is sent via email after you purchase your congress delegate ticket. We can only offer this as an option due to EU regulatory requirements. You should make your ticket purchase via an organisation or personal credit card, then reimburse/claim back the expense from your organisation.
  • Can I pay by purchase order?
  • We do not offer the facility to pay via purchase order due to the complexity of managing orders of this type on an international basis.
  • How are delegate tickets priced?
  • All Congress registration tickets, social events and workshops are priced individually. You can tailor your Congress experience to your own requirements. Please go to the ‘Buy Tickets’ page and follow the guided registration process
  • Can I transfer my delegate ticket if I am unable to attend?
  • If you are unable to attend the congress, we offer a refund policy that can be viewed in our delegate terms and conditions. Delegate registrations are not transferable as the registration contains more information than just the payment of the ticket, we gather catering information, dietary requirements, name badge info, emergency contact details and other key information to organise and structure the event.
Visa/Invitation Letters
  • Can I get a visa/invitation letter?
  • ISPAH can provide invitation letters for abstract authors. Overcome, our PCO, assesses each request on a case-by-case basis, and their decision is final. Unfortunately, we can not provide invitation letters to individuals who are not abstract authors or other invited guests (e.g., keynotes).
Abstract Outcome and Decisions
  • Who receives the email notification when an abstract is accepted or rejected?
  • The submitting/lead author receives the email notification when an abstract is accepted or rejected.
  • Can co-authors be notified of the abstract acceptance?
  • Currently, only the lead/submitting author is notified of the abstract acceptance. Co-authors do not receive separate notifications. The lead author can forward the acceptance email to co-authors if necessary.
  • Is the assigned abstract format for the congress final?
  • We have undertaken a rigorous review process and abstracts have been allocated based on both quality and the potential to group abstracts into coherent session themes. This is a complex undertaking. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate requests to change the format of any abstract.
Abstract Change Requests
  • What is the difference between a lead/submitting author and a presenting author?
  • The lead/submitting author is the individual who submitted the abstract on behalf of all the named authors/co-authors. They are either an existing ISPAH member or created a guest congress account to submit the abstract. A presenting author, who can be either the lead author or a co-author, is the individual who will present the abstract at the congress.
  • How do I change presenting authors?
  • Log in to the abstract submission system and use the ‘helpdesk’ button to submit a request for a change in presenting author. Please include the abstract ID, full name, email address and affiliation of the new presenting author.
  • Can we retrospectively send acceptance emails to someone who is not the lead author?
  • Unfortunately, we cannot retrospectively send acceptance emails to someone who is not the lead author. If a change in the presenting author occurs, the lead author should forward the acceptance email to the new presenter.
  • If I change the presenting author of my abstract, will a new email be sent to the new presenter?
  • No, an email is not sent to the new presenting author when the presenting author is changed. This change is simply updated within the abstract settings. We do send an email to the lead/submitting author to confirm that the change has been made via our support team on their behalf. If you need the new presenting author to have a copy of the notice of abstract acceptance, the lead author should forward the original acceptance email to them, which they would have received via our systems when abstract notifications were sent.
  • Format guidelines for the e-posters?
  • The final format guidelines for posters (as well as orals and short-orals) are available on the congress website.
  • I cannot attend and need to withdraw my abstract?
  • Log in to the abstract submission system and use the ‘withdraw abstract’ option to withdraw your abstract.
  • Will I receive a certificate of my attendance?
  • Yes, attendance certificates will be available after the congress.
  • Will the abstracts be published? Can these be viewed pre and post congress?
  • All abstracts will be available to view on the Congress website both before and after the event. They will not receive a DOI or other type of publication identifier. We will not publish the abstracts in an academic journal
  • Can I request my presentation day and time?
  • Our scientific team has worked hard to make sure all sessions (orals, short-orals and posters) are scheduled in the best possible way. The allocation of slots cannot be changed.
  • Can I present my presentation online if I am not able to attend?
  • All presenting authors must present their presentations in person.