The scientific programme of ISPAH 2024 will consist of keynotes, symposia, workshops, oral presentations, short-oral presentations and poster presentations. See our programme at a glance for an overview of the programme.
The number of oral presentations is limited and has been assigned on a competitive basis as judged by the Scientific Committee. To provide more people with the opportunity to present their work orally, we added a new category of presentations, short-orals. Accepted abstracts that are not accepted as Oral presentations or Short-oral presentations will have the opportunity to present their work in a poster session.
The oral presentation will follow a traditional format, with presenters being afforded 7 minutes to present their findings and an additional 3 minutes to answer questions. The time limit for each presentation and related questions and answers will be strictly observed.
Short-orals are very short 3-minute presentations, meant to give participants a very brief introduction to your work, and spark further discussion during the congress.
For ISPAH 2024, the main poster presentations will be a presentation of a physical (printed) poster during one of the congress days.
Furthermore, all authors have the option to submit an E-poster that will be available via the congress website, before, during and after the congress. We had originally planned to have the E-posters displayed on digital screens during the congress as well, but the cost for this was too high.
Please note: All abstracts are to be submitted in English. A lead author can submit a maximum of 2 abstracts. They may also be named on other abstracts as an additional author or presenter.
Communications: All communication regarding receipt and notice of your abstract will be via email. Please refer to our key dates page for important deadlines. Notifications will be sent on or before the dates specified there. An automated email will be sent with a unique Abstract ID. Please use this number in any communications. If you need to withdraw an abstract submission, please do so using the ‘Withdraw’ option on your Abstract dashboard.
Final Abstract Format: In an effort to accommodate as many presenters as possible, ISPAH has implemented a policy where only one abstract per author is selected for an oral or short-oral presentation. Those whose submissions are not included in the oral or short-oral sessions will have the opportunity to participate as poster presenters.
The final format of your abstract has been detailed in your abstract outcome email. Details can also be viewed on your Abstract dashboard.
Important Note: The short-oral format is a late addition to the programme. On the user dashboard we are not able to change the ‘labelling’ on any e-poster that has been changed to a Short-Oral. All Short -Orals and physical posters will continue to say E-poster on the dashboard. Please be sure to look at the session type to be sure whether you should prepare a short oral or a hard-copy poster.
Important Note: The presenting author MUST be registered for the Congress and is responsible for the registration fees (and accommodation and travel costs where applicable). If there is a change in the presenting author, please notify the Organizing Committee by sending an email via our helpdesk form in your abstracts dashboard no later than August 26, 2024.
If the presenting author of a standard Oral or Short- Oral presentation is not registered by August 26, the submission will be removed from the programme.