The process of developing a play street in central Paris: The Rue’golotte play street


Abstract Overview

Context: Given the health advantages of outdoor free play for children, there is growing global interest to improve children’s access to urban public space. Recently, developing public spaces for children to be active has become a political priority in Paris, prompting some communities to develop play streets.
Objective: This paper presents findings from a study of a play street named “Rue’golotte” in Central-Paris. Drawing on realist evaluation, it examines the contexts of the intervention and the mechanisms activated (processes explaining how people interpret and act on new opportunities).
Methods: Qualitative methods included semi-structured interviews, field observations and photographs, informal discussions at meetings, documentation produced by associations involved in the play street.
Findings: Several contextual elements shaped the Rue’golotte play street. 1) Individual capacities of the Rue’golotte team including a shared aim of reclaiming public space, the values of diversity and inclusion for the play space, and knowledge about free play; 2) Interpersonal relationships and networks (on neighbourhood council, local political involvement) led to affiliations with a local school association and collaboration with a play organisation, which helped legitimize the project; 3) Institutional parameters and 4) Infrastructures including a unified team, strong leadership, local priorities for accessible public spaces, funding and political support all provided early and continued momentum for the project. The mechanisms activated by the contexts included: i) gains in knowledge about free play and play streets; ii) local acceptance, credibility, and legitimacy for the project; iii) team commitment and perseverance for Rue’golotte.
Conclusions: The contextual elements and the mechanisms activated were crucial for developing Rue’golotte as a longstanding play street. This can ultimately provide the possibility for increased play and physical activity for children and residents. Practical Implications: The elements identified can become points of entry for other localities wishing to develop a play street. Funding: N/A

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