National Survey: Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior of People with Disabilities Living at Home (France)


Abstract Overview

Context and Objectives: Levels of physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB), as well as the barriers and facilitators to PA among people with disabilities (PWD), are poorly understood, particularly for those living at home, reducing the relevance of potential interventions. Hence, the National Observatory of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior and the National Federation of Regional Health Observatories have collaborated to assess the levels of PA and SB among PWD and to identify the barriers and facilitators to PA.
Methods: Using around fifteen indicators, all French departments were grouped into five homogeneous classes. In each class, the most statistically representative department was selected to participate in the study. 656 PWD (any type of disability) aged 20 to 59 completed a self-administered questionnaire. An adapted questionnaire for caregivers of intellectually disabled individuals who couldn’t respond to the questionnaire was also provided. Univariate and multiple correspondence analyses were conducted.
Results: 34% reported no engagement in any form of PA. 18% were engaged in federated sports, and 52% were independently active outside structured settings. Pain and fatigue (34%), lack of information about sports facilities or offerings tailored to their disability (25%), and distant practice locations (24%) were the main identified barriers. 51% didn’t identify any facilitators to their PA. Gender, age, type of disability, and period of disability acquisition impacted practices, barriers, and facilitators.
Conclusions: PWD living at home are predominantly inactive. These findings necessitate vigilance and adaptation of offerings and accessibility to activities, considering various specificities.
Practical Implications: A second phase of the project has been initiated in 2024 to complement these data through individual interviews and to explore the representations of PWD on these topics concerning their life experiences.
Funding: Ministry of Sports and Olympic and Paralympic Games / French Paralympic and Sports Committee / National Sports Agency

Additional Authors

Name: Alicia FILLON
Affiliation: Onaps, UFR de M̩decine et des Professions Param̩dicales РClermont-Ferrand РFrance
Presenting Author: yes
Name: Benjamin LARRAS
Affiliation: Onaps, UFR de M̩decine et des Professions Param̩dicales РClermont-Ferrand РFrance
Presenting Author: no
Name: Pauline DEMONTEIX
Affiliation: Onaps, UFR de M̩decine et des Professions Param̩dicales РClermont-Ferrand РFrance
Presenting Author: no
Name: Léa PATOUX
Affiliation: Onaps, UFR de M̩decine et des Professions Param̩dicales РClermont-Ferrand РFrance
Presenting Author: no
Affiliation: ORS Bretagne, Rennes
Presenting Author: no
Name: Lucile GIRARD
Affiliation: ORS Grand Est, Strasbourg
Presenting Author: no
Name: Julien GIRAUD
Affiliation: ORS Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Bordeaux
Presenting Author: no
Name: Emmanuelle RACHOU
Affiliation: ORS Réunion, Saint-Denis
Presenting Author: no
Name: Lise TROTTET
Affiliation: FNORS, Paris
Presenting Author: no
Name: Annabelle YON
Affiliation: ORS-Creai Normandie, Hérouville-Saint-Clair
Presenting Author: no
Name: Martine DUCLOS
Affiliation: Observatoire National de l’Activité Physique et de la Sédentarité (ONAPS), Faculty of Medicine, Clermont Auvergne University, Clermont-Ferrand; Department of Sport Medicine and Functional Explorations, CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Clermont-Ferrand, France; International Research Chair Health in Motion, Clermont Auvergne University Foundation, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Presenting Author: no

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