National physical activity policy in 30 European countries: findings of the MOVING policy index


Abstract Overview

Physical activity policies are key in creating enabling environments that prioritise population health. Unfortunately, less than one in five adolescents in Europe meet the daily physical activity recommendations of 60 minutes a day. Governments urgently need to enact policies to improve current physical activity levels.

The MOVING policy index assessed national government policy in physical activity across 30 European countries. The aim of the index was to compare government action and support stakeholders holding governments accountable on implementing well designed policies.

Physical activity policies were identified through a comprehensive scan with a set methodology, including verification by national experts. These policy actions were benchmarked using evidence-informed policy design attributes.

Across all European countries analysed, action was concentrated on policy areas that require less systemic intervention. All countries developed public communications on physical activity, and policies to promote physical activity in schools and the community. Attention was also seen for action on offering physical activity counselling in healthcare settings but of comparatively worse policy design.

Minimal action was taken at national level on policies targeting environments that support physical activity, including active design guidelines and infrastructure for active and public transport. Further, countries that did implement policies in these areas received poor assessments. For example, out of 25 countries that implemented policies on structures that enable physical activity, including design guidelines for open and green spaces, more than half were assessed as poor.

Across Europe, key gaps in national government action in physical activity were seen in policies targeting the built environment and infrastructure for public and active transport.
Practical implications: These findings are an important tool to keep track of national policy progress and to assess impact on population health outcomes in the future.

This work received funding from EU Horizon 2020 programme (grant774210).

Additional Authors

Name: Jennifer O’Mara
Affiliation: World Cancer Research Fund International
Presenting Author: yes
Name: Ioana Vlad
Affiliation: World Cancer Research Fund International
Presenting Author: yes
Name: Kate Oldridge-Turner
Affiliation: World Cancer Research Fund International
Presenting Author: no
Name: Rebecca Taylor
Affiliation: World Cancer Research Fund International
Presenting Author: no
Name: Arnfinn Helleve
Affiliation: Norwegian Institute for Public Health
Presenting Author: no
Name: Knut-Inge Klepp
Affiliation: Norwegian Institute for Public Health
Presenting Author: no
Name: Kate Allen
Affiliation: World Cancer Research Fund International
Presenting Author: no
Name: Giota Mitrou
Affiliation: World Cancer Research Fund International
Presenting Author: no

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