Inequities in sport participation among adolescents across Canada: Longitudinal evidence from the COMPASS Study


Abstract Overview

Background: Despite the established benefits of physical activity, most Canadian youth do not meet guidelines. Youth can attain physical activity through organized sport, both at school and in the community, which is associated with physical, mental, and social health benefits. Unsurprisingly, youth who participate in sport are more likely to be physically active.
Purpose: The objective was to assess sport participation (intramural, varsity, and community) among a sample of Canadian youth over time and determine if known sociodemographic inequities resulted in disparities in participation.
Methods: Data from youth in grades 9 to 11 (Sécondaire III to V in Québec) in the COMPASS Study across Canada from 2012 to 2023 were used. Prevalence of sport participation was assessed each year for the overall sample, as well as by sociodemographic variables (sex, race/ethnicity, relative family affluence, and grade). Logistic regression models were constructed to examine temporal trends in participation.
Results: Alarmingly, the proportion of youth participating in no sports has increased from 33.5% in 2012 to 39.2% in 2023. Among all youth, intramural and varsity participation remained consistent from 2012-2019 followed by a decline due to COVID-19 with estimates rebounding in 2023. Community sport participation was experiencing a decline prior to COVID-19, which has been further exacerbated. Overall, females, racialized youth, those with lower perceived family affluence, and older youth participated in less organized sport. Interestingly, older youth have showed significant decreases, whereas younger youth have remained relatively stable.
Conclusions: Sport participation among youth in Canada remains low and trends observed are undesirable among youth facing inequities. The largest declines are seen among community sport participation, which may speak to accessibility and financial constraints.
Practical Implications: Programming to increase accessibility of sport participation opportunities, physical literacy education initiatives, and increased funding for sport training/equipment may lead to increased participation.

Additional Authors

Name: Scott Leatherdale
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Presenting Author: no
Name: Karen Patte
Affiliation: Brock University
Presenting Author: no
Name: Mark Ferro
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Presenting Author: no
Name: Luke Potwarka
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Presenting Author: no

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