Adapting existing school-based interventions for the Northern Ireland context


Abstract Overview

Background: Research indicates 21% of primary schoolchildren and 16% of post-primary schoolchildren in Northern Ireland (NI) currently meet the daily recommended minimum of 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous PA. Whole-of-school approaches have been identified as one of 7 key investments for PA promotion, including active classrooms and high-quality physical education.
Purpose: This research involves adapting and feasibility testing two successful interventions: TransformUs (primary schools, Australia) and the Youth – Physical Activity Towards Health (Y-PATH) intervention (post-primary schools, Ireland) for the NI context.
Methods: As part of the adaptability, the interventions were rebranded as Children – Sit Less, Move More (C-SLAMM) intervention (formerly TransformUs) and Y-PATH NI. Within both studies, we conducted focus groups with pupils, and interviews with stakeholders (ranging from parents to school senior leadership), to understand current views and perceptions of opportunities for PA within the classroom and wider school environment. In addition, we conducted an online survey with n1500 post-primary schoolchildren to better understand their preferences for PA provision.
Results: Findings from the Y-PATH NI study have highlighted a preference for PA to be provided with friends, during schooltime. Findings from our qualitive work highlighted several important factors that should be closely considered within school-based PA promotion, including incorporating an element of choice, adaptability, and flexibility within approaches. Based on findings from the qualitative work, we feasibility tested the C-SLAMM intervention in 8 primary schools in Northern Ireland, over an 8-week period.
Conclusions and practical implications: Evaluation of the C-SLAMM intervention highlighted the importance of stakeholder buy-in from teachers, parents, and pupils if school-based PA promotion is to be successful. This feasibility work developed methods to assess implementation and adherence, which will be utilised within our feasibility testing of the Y-PATH NI intervention, commencing in early 2024.
Funding: Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke.

Additional Authors

Name: Sarah Nally
Affiliation: Centre for Exercise Medicine, Physical Activity and Health, Sports and Exercise Sciences Research Institute, Ulster University
Presenting Author: no
Name: Julia McClelland
Affiliation: Centre for Exercise Medicine, Physical Activity and Health, Sports and Exercise Sciences Research Institute, Ulster University
Presenting Author: no
Name: Alison Gallagher
Affiliation: Nutrition Innovation Centre for Food and Health (NICHE), Biomedical Sciences Research Institute, Ulster University
Presenting Author: no
Name: Marie Murphy
Affiliation: Centre for Exercise Medicine, Physical Activity and Health, Sports and Exercise Sciences Research Institute, Ulster University, Physical Activity for Health Research Centre (PHARC), Institute for Sport, Physical Education and Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh
Presenting Author: no

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