Abstract Overview
Background: Coaches are a key influence of athletes’ body image but feel ill-equipped to address body image concerns and no tested body image intervention for coaches exists.
Purpose: To evaluate a novel web-based intervention (Body Confident Coaching; BCC) aimed at upskilling coaches in improving athletes’ body image.
Methods: A pilot randomised controlled trial with 97 coaches of adolescent girls (Mage=36.6, SD=10.4yrs; 70% female). Coaches were randomised into the intervention condition (five self-led 20-minute modules of BCC) or a waitlist control condition. Participants completed a survey pre- and post-intervention (coach self-efficacy body image scale, fat phobia scale, gender essentialism scale, feasibility and acceptability measures).
Results: Coaches found the intervention easy to follow, appropriate, useful, and enjoyable. Preliminary efficacy analyses indicated that the intervention group reported higher levels of self-efficacy towards body image (η????2=.19), and lower levels of fat phobia (η????2=.39) and gender essentialism (η????2=.20) at post-intervention, compared to the waitlist control group. However, these results need to be considered in light of the small sample size and high attrition rate (51%).
Conclusions: BCC can increase coaches’ self-efficacy to identify and address athletes’ body image concerns, as well as reduce coaches’ fat phobia and gender essentialist beliefs.
Practical implications: BCC is the first evidence-based and empirically tested intervention that targets coaches of adolescent girls and aims to increase their ability to identify and address body image concerns among their athletes and teams. Given many girls drop out of sports due to body image concerns, it is important for sport organisations to understand coaches’ influence on, and responsibility to address, body image concerns among their athletes.
Funding: The study was funded by a research grant from the Dove Self-Esteem Project (Unilever; ref no. RHSS0180) and Nike (ref no. CON000000089960).
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