Absolute and relative intensities of solo, free-form dancing in adults: A pilot study


Abstract Overview

Free-form dance (FFD) has been studied as a physical activity (PA) mode for improving health; however, the intensity of FFD has yet to be characterized, which limits present understanding of the PA dose associated with participating in FFD.

To quantify the absolute and relative intensities of solo, FFD among active, community-dwelling adults.

Participants [N=48; female 79%(38); age—18-83 years; dance training experience—0-56 years], engaged in multiple 5-minute FFD bouts at respectively self-determined moderate and vigorous intensities, with and without music. Absolute (indirect calorimetry) and relative intensities (ratings of perceived exertion via Borg scale; heart rate) were measured during FFD. The significance level was established a priori at α=0.05.

Linear mixed effects models showed the mean absolute intensity of self-determined moderate intensity dancing without music was 5.6(0.24) metabolic equivalents (METs). On average, the presence of music (β=0.6) and the intention to dance at a vigorous intensity (β=1.1) were positively associated with METs. METs were inversely associated with age (β=-0.05) and BMI (β=-0.10). The mean relative intensity of self-determined moderate-to-vigorous intensity dancing, with and without music, was 76%(1.59) of the age-predicted maximal heart rate; 74%(1.59) of the heart rate reserve (HRR); and 13(0.34) on the Borg scale. By measure of %HRR, all adults reached at least a moderate intensity across all bouts.

Adults modulated the PA intensity of FFD at will between self-determined moderate and vigorous intensity bouts. The presence of music was positively associated with intensity during FFD. Adults reached at least a moderate PA intensity during FFD with or without music as measured by HRR.

Practical Implications:
The intention to engage in FFD at a moderate-to-vigorous intensity, with or without music, provides a sufficient stimulus for community-dwelling adults to reach moderate-to-vigorous PA intensities while dancing solo.

National Endowment for the Arts Award #1879058-38-C-21

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