A Systems-based Approach to Physical Activity in Scotland: A Framework for National and Local Action


Abstract Overview

Systems-based approaches are increasingly used to respond to complex public health issues such as physical activity. Public Health Scotland (PHS) developed an evidence-driven, yet pragmatic process, to enable policy makers and practitioners to implement a systems-based approach to physical activity in Scotland.

Program Delivery or Policy Components:
The process was informed by and adapted from systems-based thinking underpinning the WHO Global Action Plan for Physical Activity, public health reform in Scotland and a whole system approach to obesity in England. As well as methodologies familiar to policymakers and practitioners such as the quality improvement and outcome focussed planning.

PHS drew on existing evidence and learning to translate the scientific evidence of what works to increase population levels of physical activity into a Scottish context. This informed the development of eight strategic delivery outcomes and a logic model, accompanied by a 5-stage process used to inform national and local collaborative strategic actions.

Impact is monitored via governance structures, national surveillance indicators, process indicators and an ongoing cycle of quality improvement and policy review.

The approach has positively impacted on national and local physical activity cross-policy development.

Practical implications:
Nationally adopted by Scottish Government and partners to guide the development of a cross-policy Physical Activity for Health Strategy for Scotland, to update the Active Scotland Outcome Framework and indicators.

Locally, local authorities (government) and their community planning partners are applying the approach to inform local Physical Activity Strategies and Action Plans. Increasing the breadth of policy partners involved, reflecting a true system wide approach to physical activity from what was previously focused on sport.

This approach has been developed and implemented through collaboration enabling partners to maximise the impact of existing resources.