Abstract Overview
Background: Community-based approaches (CBAs) to promote healthy weight development in children are proliferating in practice. Literature suggests that CBAs have the potential to initiate system-changing actions to ensure a healthier everyday life for children and adolescents and their long term weight development. However, little is known about how CBAs work for whom and under which circumstances.
Purpose: To present and discuss the preliminary program theory based upon a systematic literature search and a realist methodology.
Methods: First, an initial program theory (IPT) and middle-range theories to support them was developed based on meta-studies. These theories and the review questions, secondly guided systematic literature search. The search had +13.000 hits. After double screening of title and abstract approximately 500 text are ready for data extraction.
Results: The data extraction will focus at context-mechanism-outcome configurations (CMOCs) to construct a full program theory for CBA to prevention of overweight in children and adolescents. We are in the process of screening full texts and expect that approximately 100 studies will be included in the realist review. We will present central CMOCs as a part of our preliminary program theory. The overall goal is to generate a common foundation of knowledge to inform the development of CBAs in the future.
Funding: Novo Nordisk Foundation
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