Abstract Overview
Background: Almost 90% of Australian girls aged 11-17 years do not get enough physical exercise for good health and Australian young people are more likely to experience high of very high levels of psychological distress compared with older people. The Talk N Walk project was co-designed by teen girls in an attempt to address these issues.
Program Delivery or Policy Components: An award-winning physical and mental wellbeing program, facilitated through the Talk N Walk app and supporting resources, co-designed with more than 100 ten-to-fifteen-year-old girls, including those who identify as girls and non-gender conforming individuals, from around Western Australia. Talk N Walk is for families and young people of all ages to increase the time they spend outdoors and in nature, being physically active and socially connected, to improve their health and wellbeing.
What makes Talk N Walk different to other apps is that while increased physical activity is a key outcome, the focus– through the conversation prompts and collaborative nature activity challenges – is on social connection outdoors, and the impact that has on mental wellbeing.
Evaluation: (Pilot results) 74% of participants said the app made them want to walk more, 33% of participants reported walking more during the four-week trial. 71% of participants reported being able to talk more about things they wouldn’t normally talk about, with conversation flowing more easily while walking. 33% of participants said the app/ walk improved their mood. 80% of participants said that they would recommend the app to friends or family.
Conclusions: The program shows great initial results, wit larger roll-out and evaluation the next phase.
Practical implications: This is a program that encourages physical activity and social connection for teenage girls – a demographic that is often overlooked.
Funding: The project has been funded through health-related and innovation grants.