Abstract Overview
Title: Construction and Evaluation of a Dance Therapy Device in Co-Facilitation
Background: Guidelines for managing complex trauma all point towards the need to diversify approaches and involve the patient in a multidisciplinary care pathway. The multiplicity and complexity of care echo the experiences of patients, requiring an intersectional approach that combines body and mind. To diversify the range of care, it is relevant to offer multiple therapeutic approaches within care facilities, notably through workshops involving physical activities such as dance. Dance is a particularly promising therapeutic tool in the management of trauma in adults, notably because it addresses psychological, physiological, and physical symptoms simultaneously.
Objective: To construct, validate, and develop the dance therapy protocol named RECREATION proposed by LOBA, in France, targeting women victims of violence including sexual violence and those with a migratory background.
Methods: LOBA implements bi-monthly or weekly dance therapy workshops in the Île-de-France region, France. These are 2-hour workshops, alternating between discussion and dance sessions, co-facilitated by a psychologist and a dancer, aimed at improving participants’ physical condition, preventing chronic illnesses, and reconnecting them with their bodies.
Results: Regular participants show improvements in mood, posture, language, and interpersonal connections. Ongoing research aims to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the impacts of the RECREATION workshops on symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, stress, depression, and anxiety.
Conclusions: Dance is a particularly suitable therapeutic tool in the management of trauma in women victims of violence, especially sexual violence, and those with a migratory background, when workshops are attended regularly and integrated into a multidisciplinary care pathway involving medical, social, and psychological aspects.
Funding: This research is funded by the Regional Health Agency and the Fondation de France.
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